Wednesday 7 October 2015

Promise: Broken

Not to sound like a broken record, but remember when President Obama swore that "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance?"

Just got email from Humana that the following letter is going out to at least one of my clients:
Re:    Policy Number:
Your current Humana plan will no longer be available in your area for 2016
You will need to select a new health plan between November 1 – December 15,2015

Dear :

Unfortunately, your current Humana plan will no longer be available in your area beginning January, 2016; however, it will remain the same as it is today until December 31, 2015, as long as you continue to make your monthly payment. We know how important it is to select the health plan that best fits your needs, so we would like to help you understand your options and what to do next.
The entire letter is available here.

Color me shocked.

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