Monday 21 December 2015

Major O'Care Disappointment

Now that the (disastrous) first phase of the 2016 Open Enrollment season is behind us, lets' take a look at what a huge disappointment it was. Even with the DC Rocket Surgeons© (illegally) extending the deadline a few days, they missed their mark by substantial margins::

"About 6 million people have signed up for health coverage that will take effect on Jan. 1 in the states that use the [404Care].gov enrollment."


That's a far, far cry from the 21 million people the Congressional Budget Office expected to enroll.

But Henry, you may object, Charles specifically cited that number as total 2016 sign-ups, and you're only counting Phase 1.

Reality check: who really thinks they're going to make up that 15 million person deficit in the next two months?

What I thought, too.

But why aren't more folks getting on the ObamaTax wagon?

Remember this?

You might want to sit down for this...

"State by state data show bigger 2016 exchange premium, deductible jumps"

Seems like maybe there's a clue....

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