Friday, 1 January 2016

Pigs at the Trough

Obamacare was created in backroom deals with legislators that have long since retired or died. Hailed as bi-partisan even though it became law without a single Republican vote.

Five years later we have carriers that have bailed on Obamacare, some hit the eject button before the new rules hit the market. Over half of the health insurance co-ops created by the DC bottomless money pit are either on life support or have already pulled the plug.

Predictably, when free money is readily available, pigs will gather at the trough to get their share.
Cigna Inc., the insurance giant that backed out of the Florida’s federal insurance marketplace in October because of an “exponential increase” in fraudulent drug testing claims in treating addicts has uncovered another type of fraud — lying about Florida residency to get insurance. 
“For example, one broker was found to have enrolled nearly 100 customers — none of whom appear to have had any prior connection to Florida — at an apartment that was connected to a relative of the broker,” wrote Cigna spokesman Joseph Mondy in an email response to questions posed by The Palm Beach Post. “In other instances, customers enrolled using the address of a substance-abuse treatment facility as their claimed residence. - Palm Beach Post

Oink, oink.

#Obamacare #HealthInsuranceFraud

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