Monday 1 February 2016

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We've written about the chilling effect that insurers hope to create by lowering commissions on Exchange-based business (or doing away with them altogether). Most recently, the Kentucky Department of Insurance weighed in, noting that this practice would be viewed as a violation of the insurance code.

Well, seems like the stakes are actually a bit higher:

"(f) Broker compensation in a Federally-facilitated Exchange.   A QHP issuer must pay the same broker compensation for QHPs offered through a Federally-facilitated Exchange that the QHP issuer pays for similar health plans offered in the State outside a Federally-facilitated Exchange." [emphasis in original]
That's from the Code of Federal Regulations as it pertains to the ACA. Seems pretty clear to me.

So then the question becomes: where do we go from here?

[Hat Tip: Sabrina Corlette]

from InsureBlog

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