Monday, 20 March 2017

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The 44th president of the United States proclaimed more than once that we are not a Christian nation. Whether his point was valid or not is subject to debate, but his claim will not be discussed in this post.
christian health care sharing minsistry

One thing that is clear, the plan that promised "If you like your plan you can keep your plan, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" is also a divisive issue. #Obamacare has been, still is, and will be one of the health care hot points dating back to the backroom Missouri compromise and continuing through "repeal and replace".

My personal opinion is that Obamacare did more harm than good and we may never recover from this train wreck. I see no reason to repeal a plan that will most certainly be dead by the end of 2017. If the folks in DC had any sense they would craft a replacement plan and have it ready for roll out in 2018. Keep Obamacare in place, or at least what is left of it. And roll out Trumpcare/Ryancare as a competitor.

Let the people choose the option they want.

But then, no one ever said the folks in DC that make our laws had good sense.

Rather than DC picking winners and losers based on their interpretation of voter viewpoint, let the public decide.

About that opening question. Are we becoming a more Christian nation because of Obamacare?

Hard figures on enrollment in Christian health care sharing programs are difficult to come by but this report from US News offered up their findings.

Since Obamacare’s passage, health sharing membership has more than doubled, from about 200,000 to about 530,000, according to the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries. The law exempts health sharing members from having to abide by its “individual mandate,” which obligates people to buy health insurance or pay a penalty.

While some may argue that covering 300,000 new members is a small number in the big scheme of things, the fact remains, something is causing people to abandon traditional health insurance and seek out a non-insurance solution. As a percentage, the ranks of Christina sharing programs grew more than any other health care financing options, including Medicaid. A 265% increase in members is nothing to make fun of.

And the better news is, no taxpayer dollars were involved.

Not just anyone can join these plans. You must sign an affidavit attesting to your religious beliefs and accept the lifestyle tenants of the bylaws. Some of the sharing ministries require an affirmation of your character while others do not.

This not-so-impartial site comes up in searches and can serve as a guide to those seeking refuge from Obamacare and into the waiting arms of sharing ministries. We are not endorsing the site, nor do we believe it is a substitute for your own vetting. Medical Cost Share is a slick marketing site to steer visitors toward enrolling in Liberty Healthshare. That program, or any of the competing programs may or may not be right for you but they are all considerably less than Obamacare premiums which look more like mortgage payments than health insurance premiums.

Caveat emptor.

#Obamacare #ChristianHealthcareSharingMinistry

from InsureBlog

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