Wednesday 7 June 2017

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In no particular order:

Back in Aught Nine, we reported on a real life version of a classic sci-fi widget:

"Robert A Heinlein, wrote a haunting short story about a scientist, Pinero, who discovered a means to literally and accurately determine one's date of death."

That post was about an online, virtual lifespan calculator. But now co-blogger Bob V tips us to a company that claims to have a real-life version:

"GWG Life ... started requiring those people to turn over a saliva sample. Its quarry: patterns of DNA methylation. In layman’s terms, it analyzes the samples to see whether certain genes are switched on or off at hundreds of specific spots."


"In theory, that could help the company predict your life span"

It's not a slam-dunk, but along with the burgeoning market for genetic testing, we may be entering a very interesting (kinda scary) era.

Our friend The Political Hat picks up on a theme familiar to IB regulars, assisted suicide as healthcare cost container:

"Increasingly, suicide is being accepted as a legitimate medical treatment."

And he provides video from a Silver State doc to back this up.


From the Turnabout Is Fair Play Files we have this item, Jay Hancock tells us that former drug reps are now working for insurance companies, touting lower cost alternatives:

"As a drug salesman, Mike Courtney worked hard to make health care expensive ... He’s on a different mission now: When he calls on doctors, he champions generic drugs."

How he got there is pretty darned interesting.

Bonus: FoIB Kim D provided us with this link to a neat slideshow about 15 common mistakes folks make when they're buyng insurance.

from InsureBlog

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