I'm beginning to sense a theme from the medical front these days. If it's not ObamaCare's death toll, it's a culture that seems not just "okay" with assisted suicide but apparently insists on it.
Wow, Henry, that's quite a claim there, care to back it up?
Sure. (Literally) Ripped from the headlines:
"California Hospital Sued for Refusing to Assist Suicide"
The patient eventually died of cancer, and now her children are suing the medical facility which treated her because it "conceal[ed] its oncologists’ decision not to provide life-ending drugs to patients who ask for them."
I'm assuming they also deny diet pills to anorexics who request them, as well.
Meantime, FoIB Holly R alerts us that the Much Vaunted National Health System© apparently has no such problem reducing its patient load:
"One-Third Of Life Support Patients Die Under British Health Care System."
Turns out that "free" health "care" is absolutely worth every penny, er, farthing. So, if you're on a vent or other life support system provided by the MVNHS©, best make sure your affairs are all in order.
The sooner the better, natch.
But wait, there's more good news (well, for certain values of "good"):
"CBS Reports Iceland Has 'Virtually Eliminated' Down Syndrome with Abortion"
Well first, as Patricia Heaton points out, killing unborn Downs babies isn't eliminating "downs," it's eliminating babies:
Notice that the trend, here and abroad, is to ration care by rationing life.
Pretty rational, I guess.
Scary, too, no?
Wow, Henry, that's quite a claim there, care to back it up?
Sure. (Literally) Ripped from the headlines:
"California Hospital Sued for Refusing to Assist Suicide"
The patient eventually died of cancer, and now her children are suing the medical facility which treated her because it "conceal[ed] its oncologists’ decision not to provide life-ending drugs to patients who ask for them."
I'm assuming they also deny diet pills to anorexics who request them, as well.
Meantime, FoIB Holly R alerts us that the Much Vaunted National Health System© apparently has no such problem reducing its patient load:
"One-Third Of Life Support Patients Die Under British Health Care System."
Turns out that "free" health "care" is absolutely worth every penny, er, farthing. So, if you're on a vent or other life support system provided by the MVNHS©, best make sure your affairs are all in order.
The sooner the better, natch.
But wait, there's more good news (well, for certain values of "good"):
"CBS Reports Iceland Has 'Virtually Eliminated' Down Syndrome with Abortion"
Well first, as Patricia Heaton points out, killing unborn Downs babies isn't eliminating "downs," it's eliminating babies:
Iceland isn't actually eliminating Down Syndrome. They're just killing everybody that has it. Big difference. #Downsyndrome #abortion https://t.co/gAONIzqRXW— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) August 15, 2017
Notice that the trend, here and abroad, is to ration care by rationing life.
Pretty rational, I guess.
Scary, too, no?
[Hat Tip for CA hospital story: The Political Hat]
from InsureBlog http://ift.tt/2fIF41W
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