Friday 8 September 2017

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As we've mentioned before (here, for example), most carriers have ceased paying commissions for folks signing up during the off-season (those who qualify for Special Open Enrollments). Now, Premier Health has upped the ante.

From email this morning:

"Premier Health Plan like many other health care coverage providers has made the difficult decision that we will no longer pay broker commissions for any enrollments beyond premium collected for December 2017."

Thus further validating my previously stated position.

And once again, the silence from both the Department of Insurance and the NAHU are deafening. I'm particularly puzzled as to why lawmakers continue to let carriers defraud their insureds in this manner (where are the rebate checks for unpaid commissions they keep?).

I realize that the paltry $15 or $20 isn't much, but multiply that over hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of policyholders.

Not exactly peanuts.

from InsureBlog

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