Wednesday 6 December 2017

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We're privileged to have some really interesting and informed commenters here, and the discussion can get lively (but always  civil!).

But we also get some .... well, unusual feedback, such as this one from Regina Raymond in reply to our recent MedMutual post:

"My husband of six years left me for another girl because I accused him of seeing another girl and since then I have been trying to get him back but he refused to come back to me, he was not responding to my calls or email and he even unfriended me on face-book and also unfollowed me on IG and he told me that he was done with me and my two kids.

I got really confused, I was searching on the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster helped them to get their exes back so I decided to give it a trial, but i was even more confused because of many testimonies that i saw, but my heart told me to go for Dr [REDACTED] because I did many researches on him and I found nothing bad about him, that was how I contacted him and I explain my problem to him and he casted a love spell for me and guaranteed me 7 days that my ex will come back to me and to my greatest surprise the third day a great miracle fell on me and my ex came back to me and he begged for my forgiveness.

Dr [REDACTED] you are just the best, I will continue to publish his name because he is my Savior, we are now one big happy and united family, If you need his help you can Email him Do not loose hope too soon contact him If you need his help you can Email him ...  for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app].

Well gosh, thanks so much, Regina, and congratulations!

Pretty sure this isn't considered an EHB, though.

from InsureBlog

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