Wednesday 4 April 2018

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We've made the case that "going bare" can certainly be a rational choice:

But what' s it actually like making (and living with) that choice?

Well, FoIB Bill M points us to this rather interesting (and, I must say, relatively balanced) article on just that:

Interesting and thought-provoking.

  Second up, FoIB JefF M (no relation) seems to have problems with the idea that health insurance rates have decreased buy some 3000%:

And by stabilization, they mean "throwing more money at it."

  I can see no possible way for this to go wrong:

BONUS ITEM: Co-blogger Bob V tips us to this interesting story on why folks choose - often at their own peril - whole life plans. What's special about this is that Burt is an industry giant, and knows where of he speaks:

Spoiler Alert: He tried.

from InsureBlog

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