Monday, 4 November 2019

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So last week my Better Half and I took a long-anticipated, week-long trip to The Big Easy. I had been there as a very young lad, so no real memories, and she had never been. Had a great time, ate too much really good food, and spent some time in some amazing museums (among other things).

Mid-week we spent the day at the United States World War II Museum. We spent the day, but could easily have spent several more. Just extraordinary.

But what was very special was the completely unanticipated personal connection to one of the exhibits.

As we rounded a corner, we found a display of a carpenter's tool kit, and a plaque explaining it:

[click to embiggen]

The gentleman's name (redacted for privacy reasons, which you'll soon understand) rang a very loud bell:

Some 30 years ago, one of our carriers imported a new rep from Louisiana. Roger D and I soon became fast friends, and he's since become my local Medicare "guy." His last name is unusual for Ohio, but maybe not for Cajun country, and it appeared on that plaque. So I texted him the pic, and asked "Anyone you know?"

He replied "Wow, will have to ask my Dad about this."

A few minutes later he texted again:

"Turns out this my grandfathers brother. My dad knew about him and told me stories about how he went to Hawaii to help rebuild. Came back and opened several grocery stores. Thanks for sharing this photo."

Wow, traveled over 800 miles for that connection...

Worth the trip all by itself.

from InsureBlog

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