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From email from our dear friends Joe Paduda and Julie Ferguson, co-founders of the long-running, highly respected Health Wonk Review:

"Hello, Health Wonker friends –

First, wishing you all a happy New year and extending thanks for your ongoing participation in Health Wonk Review.

After a baker’s dozen years  and more than 280 issues, we’ve decided to call it a day.  It’s become a bit more of a heavy lift to get varied hosts. We moved to a monthly issue to address that, but it’s still been slow going. Submissions are down too as more people abandon blogs in favor of social channels like Twitter and LinkedIn. Readership and cross posting appears to have waned, too.  Going forward, we may host an ad hoc issue occasionally under the HWR banner and invite your participation when health policy issues rise to the surface, but the regular issues will cease.

We can’t thank all of you enough – we’ve discovered new blogs, learned new things, shared some laughs and made good friends that we hope will continue into the future.

We’ll be preserving the archives and will send you a link to the new location.

Be well, and keep doing what you do so very well!

We'll miss the HWR, and can't say enough about how much effort Joe and Julie poured into it all these years. We are proud to have been with them from the beginning, and know that their efforts have been appreciated.

from InsureBlog

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