Friday 25 January 2019

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Diabetes doesn't have a clock, or a calendar. Diabetes doesn't sleep. Diabetes is a 24 hour illness, 7 days a week.

A diabetic that is insulin dependent must constantly monitor the ups and downs of their blood sugar levels.

Too much sugar in your system (hyperglycemia) for an extended period of time and you can go into ketoacidosis (diabetic coma).

Too little sugar (hypoglycemia) and you can go into a coma.

The diabetic learns to balance their sugar levels and hopefully avoid extreme highs and lows.

But what if you have an insulin pump and your supplies don't arrive on time? What if you are on Medicare? Like everything else, the folks in DC that make the rules on when you can and cannot get your supplies don't live in the real world.

If your Amazon package doesn't arrive on time you can just aw shucks and maybe it will arrive tomorrow.

But if your insulin and pump supplies are late you could be in real trouble.

Laddie Lindahl has diabetes, and this is her blog. You may not have diabetes, but you probably know someone who does. Today's post will open your eyes to the challenges of living with diabetes.

from InsureBlog

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