Wednesday, 13 March 2019

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Regular readers may recall that the current administration loosened a lot of the rules surrounding Short Term Medical (STM) plans, and the ensuing hue and cry from 'the usual suspects' about the world ending (or worse!) as a result.

Well, preliminary results are in, and guess who comes out standing tall (hint: it's not the naysayers):

Turns out, folks who bought these plans are, for the most part, completely satisfied that they worked as promised; in fact, over 80% of buyers who actually had claims were either satisfied or even very satisfied.


And most of the folks who had claims also "said their policies covered what they thought the policies would cover."

Imagine that.

Were that ObamaPlan victims insureds were so satisfied.

Meantime, Colorado becomes the latest state to ban sales of STM plans altogether:

"The Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI), part of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), has amended the regulation governing short-term limited duration health benefit plans, requiring these plans to provide many of the same protections afforded by Affordable Care Act (ACA) qualified plans."

In other words, no more short term plans for Centennial Staters.

Wonder why their leaders hate choice.

[Hat Tip: FoIb Lynne]

from InsureBlog

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