Monday 4 March 2019

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We've posted faily often about Health Care Sharing Ministries, most recently here:

"After some online research Mazie, who lives in Miami, found something he thought was a godsend: United Refuah HealthShare, a Jewish alternative to traditional insurance ... He was thrilled by the bargain-priced plans."

This was news because this model of health care financing is typically offered with a Christian slant (NTTAWWT). Regardless, they're gaining in popularity (sort of: there are about 1 million folks on these plans, which makes it a rounding error), and the movement wants a seat at the table as we look for ACA alternatives:

"The health sharing plan movement made itself felt recently at the Inter-Company Marketing Group’s 2019 annual conference."

Good for them!

It's true that we spend a lot of time dissing on Britain's Much Vaunted National Health Service©, and with (very) good reason. For example, FoIB Sally Pipes alerts us to this latest news:

"NICOLA Sturgeon has admitted she is not “surprised” that NHS waiting times are still getting worse despite bringing in a legal guarantee to prompt treatment seven years ago ... [Last] week, official figures showed a record 27.3 per cent of patients waited longer than 12 weeks in the last quarter of 2018, the equivalent of 200 breaches each day."

But hey, it's free!

And on its way here, if the M4A folks have their way.

Even with ObamaCare's actual body count, we're still doing pretty darned well in the health care results metric. From FoIB David Balat:

"The world’s leading medical journals report the U.S. has superior results, including for cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol."

The Tweet links to an article behind WSJ's paywall, so...

from InsureBlog

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