Thursday 11 July 2019

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The name of the French national health care system, La Sécurité Sociale, pretty much guarantees that this would be the outcome:

"French Quadriplegic Being Starved To Death By The State"

In 2008, then 31 year old Vincent Lambert was left in that condition as a result of a terrible car accident.

Flash forward 11 years, and the poor man was ordered starved to death by the (warm, compassionate, caring) French government:

"The Cour de Cassation overruled an appeals court which had directed doctors to keep Mr Lambert alive pending a review of his situatoin by the Unitoed Natons Committee on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities."

This echoes Iceland's take on Down Syndrome babies:

"Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion."

Inconvenient, non?


[Hat Tip: Ace of Spades]

from InsureBlog

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