Monday 2 December 2019

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According to email from the Feds, "in week four of the 2020 Open Enrollment period, 703,556 people selected plans using the platform."

Of course, this just means that folks have added plans to their carts, the real numbers will be when (if?) they actually pull the trigger and send in a check.

In any case, here's last week's snapshot:
[click to embiggen]

Total plan selections are down about 7% from Week 2 (we missed last week dues to Thanksgiving travel). New consumers are down, as well, as are renewals.

This makes sense, however: we're already a month into the process, and (presumably) most of the folks who are going to make a choice have already done so. I do expect a slight uptick the final week as procrastinators make their choice.

from InsureBlog

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