Thursday 11 October 2018

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So, we've discussed Direct Primary Care (DPC) for quite a while here at IB; some pro, some con. On balance, I think the idea has a lot of merit, and certainly potential.

But as Yoda says, "there is another:"

I've been reading a lot about Virtual Primary Care (VPC). Like DPC, it's usually a subscription-based model, offering direct access to a (presumably qualified) physician who can diagnose what ails ye, and even prescribe meds. One advantage to VPC is that, unlike your friendly neighborhood Direct Primary Care doc, it's available 24/7. Of course, you give up the inherent advantage of actual person-to-person direct access, but how often is that actually necessary?

The other appeal to VPC is its low price, often much lower than DPC (caveat: be mindful of "you get what you pay for"). It seems to me that these plans would work well with so-called "high-deductible plans" (scare quotes because true "cat plans" are illegal under ObamaCare), especially those with limited or no office visit co-pays.

We've arranged to offer one such plan to IB readers - the subscription fee is a modest $20 a month (regardless of whether it's just you, or a family). You can get all the gory details in the "Teledoc [NEW]" link in the side-bar.

from InsureBlog

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