Wednesday 31 October 2018

Insurance Tips and trik auto insurance, auto insurance quotes, auto insurance companies, auto insurance florida, auto insurance quotes online, auto insurance america

Heads' up, courtesy of the CMS in email this morning:

"If your clients do not update their Marketplace application and enroll in a plan November 1-December 15, they may be automatically enrolled in a 2019 plan."

If you're okay with that, then no need to take action. On the other hand, if you'd like to see what's "new and improved" out on the market [Spoiler Alert: pretty much zilch], then starting tomorrow you can get a quote for a new plan, preferably through the services of a local, professional, independent agent.

Oh, and if you don't, and you'd like to keep your plan as-is? Well, that may not be possible:

"Individuals currently enrolled in plans through issuers that will not be participating in the Marketplace for 2019. These consumers will be matched with an alternate plan from a different issuer."

Seems like there was some kind of explicit promise made, back in the day.

Oh, yeah.

from InsureBlog

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