Monday 11 February 2019

Insurance Tips and trik auto insurance, auto insurance quotes, auto insurance companies, auto insurance florida, auto insurance quotes online, auto insurance america

You may recall our item last November about the folks in Florida who were selling bogus health insurance plans:

"Federal authorities have shut down a network of Florida companies that they say used aggressive, deceptive tactics to sell skimpy health insurance products that skirt requirements of the Affordable Care Act and left tens of thousands of people around the country with unpaid medical bills."

Well, shutting them down was only half the battle, and now those authorities are pressing forward with criminal charges, leaving the guy in charge unhappy with where this is heading:

"The CEO of a Hollywood, Fla.-based health insurance agency accused of defrauding tens of thousands of customers might have to say goodbye to his Lamborghini."


And especially so since "nearly 37,000 consumers are left in limbo — paying $6.3 million in monthly premiums for insurance plans the FTC says are nearly worthless."

Where do *they* go for relief?

[Hat Tip: FoIB Bill M]

from InsureBlog

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