Tuesday 12 February 2019

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Seems that the Medicare4All folks could be taking a lesson from our Cousins Across the Pond:

"... news was breaking on the other side of England of the desperation of David Woodhouse ... who claimed he had resorted to extracting one of his own teeth with pliers after a fruitless search of up to 100 miles to find an NHS dentist."

This is a lesson in what happens when the government runs health "care."

But hey: Free!

Or maybe not:

"There is a growing sense that NHS dentistry is at ... a tipping point ... the “high street” dental sector as a whole remains robust, with forecast annual growth of 2%-2.5% over the next three years, this is down to expanding private care."

Yeah, that bites.

from InsureBlog http://bit.ly/2I3OcvU

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