Monday 25 February 2019

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We've written about both the Concierge Medicine and Direct Primary Care (DPC) health care practice models. And, we've interviewed one of the pioneers of the latter, FoIB Dr Rob Lamberts.

But how cool is it that Dr Rob has written this very helpful explication of how their similarities and differences:

"While there are many similarities between the two models, the differences are not only basic, but, in my opinion, they turn DPC from a curiosity or sideshow to a potentially huge player in the American healthcare marketplace. This article will compare and contrast the two practice models and conclude with a few thoughts on how DPC may have a much larger role in changing our entire system than many yet grasp."

Much more at the link.

One thing I think Dr Rob missed is that only the DPC model is specifically ObamaCare-compliant (which may be relevant if/when the mandate is reinstated).

[H/T FoIB John C]

from InsureBlog

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