Thursday 20 February 2020

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FoIB Shari G sends us this video from the esteemed (and oft-linked) Sally Pipes on the false Promise of #Medicaid4All:

FoIB Jeff M tips us to this un(?)-intended consequence of CON laws and tightening networks:

This has apparently been in the works for several weeks, and points out some of the challenges of providing health care for our more rural citizens.

And finally, in email from FoIB Randy G, a note on the SECURE ACT:

"[T]he new law eliminates the concept of the “stretch IRA’s” which extend the tax-deferred status of an inherited IRA when passed along to a non spouse beneficiary ... the beneficiary would need to take the payments over 10 years ... This could create an enormous tax burden.

So, if you have clients expecting to inherit qualified funds, then you should consider re-positioning these funds into One America’s Asset Care Annuity Funding Whole Life plan. This plan will help in turning an inherited, taxable part of an estate into a tax free income stream for LTC expenses

Cool beans!



from InsureBlog

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