Monday 23 March 2020

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Just off conference call with Anthem execs, lots of interesting info, and will try to put together a more complete post, but some highlights:

Extraordinary focus on "Virtual Care" - what we've been calling 'telehealth' or 'telemedicine' and which has been mostly under the radar, until now. This is as much about capacity as it is social distancing, and the government is requiring carrier (like Anthem) to offer these services with no cost-sharing.

Relaxed rules on early refills for maintenance meds - this makes sense, again to minimize travel and maximize social distancing.

Group Plan Special Enrollment - This was a surprise to me: employees who initially waived group coverage can actually enroll between now and April 3rd, with full coverage.

There's more, and I'll try to update as quickly as possible. Stray tuned.

from InsureBlog

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