Friday 20 March 2020

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While we've been focused primarily on the health insurance aspect of the pandemic, we've also blogged petty extensively about Business Interruption coverage in commercial lines packages, and even noted how the P&C side of the biz is likely sheltered from catastrophic losses.

But something I hadn't seen addressed, at least until now, is the Worker's Comp issue:

That is, as more workers succumb to the Chinese Coronavirus while on the job. I can see this; for example:

Had to meet a relative at the ER yesterday, and while she was squadded in, I had to walk to the ER from the parking lot. I was immediately stopped by a very polite yong nurse tech(?) who took and reported my temp and asked a few health questions. Her PPE consisted of a blanket (it was a bit chilly, and the door was propped open) and a pair of latex gloves. And yet, here I waltz in, breathing (and maybe coughing?) and I'm thinking that that blanket and those gloves are no match for CV-19.


from InsureBlog

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