Friday 6 March 2020

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On the one hand:

"As the Board of Directors for America’s Health Insurance Plans, we are fully committed to help America’s powerful health care system meet the challenges posed by the Coronavirus strain COVID-19 ... We are taking decisive action to help prevent the spread of this disease, to ensure that people have coverage for and access to needed testing, and to help patients who are infected receive the care and treatment they need."

They go on to say that this includes coverage for diagnostic testing, as well as easing up on network issues (ie no "surprise billing"), and sharing information among different health care stakeholders (such as hospitals and physicians). It's pretty comprehensive.

But (and you knew there'd be a 'but' here, right?):

First, this is a promise from a trade group, not a specific contract waiver from any given carrier. In fact, I received an email the other day from Anthem saying that their "clinical team is actively monitoring external queries and reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help us determine what, if any, action is necessary on our part."

And, of course, given AHIP's history, skepticism is absolutely warranted here.

from InsureBlog

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